Friday, May 10, 2019

Introducing Barista Fire

Why am I writing this blog? Well, let's begin with my heart's desire at this moment:

I wish someone would fire me.

You know, hand me a pink slip. Toss my hiney out the door. Cut me off my paycheck.

I long for that like nothing else in the world right now.

Okay, let me explain.

I've been working since I was 16, and I have never had a proper career break.

While my friends were out partying being teenagers and young adults, I was cramming for exams and side hustling as a writer for major publications and ad agencies.

I was fortunate enough to land a job that I adored. I happily worked 12-14 hour days at it, not realising that I was physically and mentally burning myself out until the inevitable happened in my 12th year, where I burnt out so badly I was literally in bed for a month.

Sure, I took the 2-to-3-week break between jobs, but I somehow manage to fill that time up with work too.

Most recently, before starting my current job, I had a 3 week break before I started the job.

What did yours truly do? Fly off to a distant land to cover a major event for a newspaper for a week. I came home two days before starting work, exhausted ... and dreading work.

Truth is, each time I am about to jump of the cliff to take that much-longed-for break from the work grind, a job offer comes along and I'd feel compelled to accept it.

You won't get an offer better than this, says that voice inside me.

I came close once to taking that career break. After 12 years in that career I loved but which had burnt me out, I left everything and moved to Australia. I dreamed of travelling the country, working and volunteering in vineyards and organic farms. My soul was so excited. Finally. Finally I get to do this!!

I think you know how the story went

So, I landed in Australia, and FEAR gripped me. I saw an ad - the Government was apparently giving out scholarships/grants for people to take up certificates in nursing.

So I applied.

I got it.

And started studying and hustling.

Story of my life.

Now here I am, in the 19th year of my life as a working professional, and I want to call it quits.

But I'm afraid too because I'm obsessed with Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE).

I believed that in order to do so, I had to work my ass off, save as much money as I can, live like a monk until that fateful day when I pull the plug and give a middle finger to all the companies that made my life hell.

But then I discovered "barista FIRE", where you can actually enjoy the journey to financial independence. Where you can live your best now rather than wait for that proverbial day where you save up 25x (or whatever number) your yearly expenses.

And I realise - this is what I want. I don't want to put aside my joy and happiness anymore for a goal that I may never reach. Worse - what if I reach it, only to die the next day?

And I'm super tired of listening to that fearful voice inside me that keeps saying, "Just one more year, and then we can live that unconventional life you want."

Well, shit, I want to live my best life now!

So this blog chronicles my journey to bust out of my workaholic mindset, to let go of the fear that is in the way of living my best life now.

I hope you hang around for a bit as I post my raw, honest posts. I may rant a bit, cry a little, but I'll be real.

See you soon. :)


  1. Hi! What a great first post! I can’t wait to follow your journey. FIRE is not a race. And it sounds like you know what you need. Good Luck!!

    1. Thanks for reading! FIRE not being a race - and even an end game - is something I'm still grappling with. Thank you again for dropping by!

  2. Very good first blog post indeed! After reading the first few lines I found myself thinking this is damn good writing. Then you mention your writing experience. Very cool! I really like your focus on living your best life now. Although I want to build my investment portfolio fast, I am currently trying to obtain the highest paying part time job so I can spend more time improving at what I want to work on. Your blog stood out to me right away. I look forward to following your journey!
